Try The Popular Free-to-play Sandbox MMO - Trove

Sitting at five million players on PC and Mac, free-to-play voxel-based adventure MMO Trove is available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. You might want to try free-to-play MMO, Trove, which is out now. Trove is a sandbox game from Trion Worlds, dug from the same dirt as Minecraft, but built around a free-to-play MMO setup. Following the beta, the console versions have accrued more than a million players each, and the numbers keep growing. It is striking visually. With its myriad of sharply contrasting coloured blocks, you can tell immediately that it's a whole universe away from Minecraft's earthy tones. After a brief opening cutscene the game opens up into a huge hub area in which you will find yourself every time you log in. There are 14 different character classes to choose from and they cover almost all forms of combat. Picking one uses a class unlock token, so you may want to trial a few first to find a fighting style that suits you, although you can get more unloc...